Raw and Real with Stefanie Fernandes

Empowering Highly Sensitive Moms at Bedtime with Maisie Ruttan. Episode 33

August 16, 2023 Stefanie Fernandes Season 1 Episode 33

Bedtime can be a time of vulnerability for both moms and children. By empowering highly sensitive moms, Maisie helps them develop resilience and self-compassion.

When moms have the tools and strategies to navigate bedtime challenges, they can bounce back from setbacks, practice self-compassion, and model healthy coping mechanisms for their children.

Maisie is a family sleep specialist and parenting coach. She helps parents navigate sleepless nights and challenging bedtimes using a combination of sleep science and gentle parenting strategies. Unlike the majority of sleep consultants, Maisie's expertise lies in supporting toddlers, preschoolers and kids, beyond the baby years. She's also the mother of twins.

You can find Maisie on Instagram.

Hi there! I'm Stefanie Fernandes, and I've created this podcast as a helpful resource for parents like you. I'm a clinical hypnotherapist, BWRT practitioner, and conscious parenting coach. My focus is on working with moms and children, especially in situations where there's a lot of anger and yelling at home. Visit my website to learn more about my work.

Are you having trouble getting your child to listen? I have a solution for you! Get your free guide "How to Get Your Child to Listen" today.

Also, don't forget to schedule a free consultation with me if you're struggling in your parenting or other areas of your life.